Wednesday, February 22

Free textbook? How about dictionaries?

Saw this on the paper a few days ago. It did struck me about the importance of dictionary, especially when you are trying to teach a bunch of iban kids to learn English. Even at my school ( and particularly at my English class), it is a must for every each and one, of my students to at least own an english-malay n malay-english dictionary. Without it, I would say, teaching them would be hard. So, about this article, I would say, YES to free dictionaries!! If it helps, why not?


pengawa maya lepa said...

Amat setuju enggau nuan Cikgu..
Tang enti textbooks dah free...jangka aku olih ga apai indai meli dictionaries...
Enda alah ga semua free...hehe
Semina pendapat aja! said...

tapi, yg paling penting, dictionary memang penting. Free or not free ... nya terpulang agai org ti bertanggungjawab ngadu ka hal nyak ...